OZ - overdose
That's the name on the street for the Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary.
Oz is retro.
Oz is retribution.
You wanna punish a man?
Separate him from his family, separate him from himself, cage him up with his own kind.
Oz is hard times doing hard time."
-- Augustus Hill
U periodu između 1997 i 2003 je emitirana najbolja zatvorska serija svih vremena- OZ. Vrlo eksplicitna, sirova i brutalna, mnogima se u startu nije svidjela. Za OZ treba imati želudac. OZ je serija koja vas usisa u svoj mračni svijet prije nego se snađete. To je jedna od onih serija gdje vam ne padne na pamet da tu netko nešto glumi. Toliko je jezivo stvarna da je neki nisu mogli gledati.
Nakon dosta godina, ja sam ponovo izvukao OZ iz arhive i krenuo. Nakon početnog privikavanja na likove, krv i mučenja, uhvatio sam se kako gledam nekoliko epizoda dnevno. OZ bi trebalo gledati jednom tjedno. Sve drugo vodi u ovisnost.
Ako ste godinama živjeli u izolaciji i slučajno niste čuli za nju, evo što Augustus Hill kaže o OZ-u. Augustus Hill je jedan od zatvorenika i glavni narator. OZ nema maski, nema bijelih rukavica i ustezanja. OZ pokazuje ono najgore u čovjeku, životinjski nagon i morbidni ljudski um.
Bez obzira na svu svoju sirovost i brutalnost, OZ nas sa svakom odjavnom špicom vraća iz tog mučnog svijeta sa vrlo jasnim porukama, a to nisu riječi. Svaki put jedna recka više, šamar ekstra. Da ne zaboravite koliko su ljudi opaka rasa.
Ipak, ako preživite scene kasapljenja, spaljivanja živog mesa, zatvorskih silovanja, trovanja smrvljenim staklom, spooning (nagradno pitanje: što je to spooning? :)), možda ispod paravana zatvorske brutalnosti vidite atmosferu koja nosi cijelu priču, beznađe i nadu, ljubav ispod mržnje, tragediju ispod krinke osvete... OZ nije samo tu da vas šokira. OZ prenosi poruku.
Augustus Hill, zatvorenik u kolicima, s kojim obično počinju epizode, a često i završavaju je narator cijele Oz priče. Njegove kratke crtice nakon kojih slijedi pedesetak minuta zatvorskog mučenja, imaju na kraju posebnu težinu, gorak aftertaste. Nekad je potrebno na eskreman način ukazati na neke tako bazične i bitne stvari. O životu, smrti, ljubavi, mržnji, osveti, praštanju, samoći, smislu, želji, zavisti...
Sedam smrtnih grjehova, svjetski ratovi, talačke krize, politička izdrkavanja, sve ono dobro i loše oko nas, samo u kontroliranoj sredini među ljudima koji su čista esencija naših loših osobina. I srce ima sjenu, a ta sjena se zove OZ.
Ako slučajno niste nedavno ponovo pogledali OZ, sad je vrijeme. Ako niste nikada vidjeli OZ, sad je krajnje vrijeme.
Ako se i dalje dvoumite trebate li svoje nježne pjesničke duše prepustiti scenama sirovog nasilja, pročitajte nekoliko mudrih izreka Augustusa Hilla. Nekad trulež i smrad otvaraju oči bolje od sladunjavih poruka o višim ciljevima. Na kraju krajeva, zvijeri koje tamo gledamo u kavezu su i u nama. U nama je sve, raj i pakao. Sve ovisi kakav okidač nas dohvati prije. Samo oprezno, nekad su poruke iz OZ-a preteške za čuti, previše realne za jednu izmišljenu seriju, previše grizu za bolne dijelove. OZ govori o ljudima i zvijerima, a i jedni i drugi hodaju među nama. I jedne i druge nosimo u sebi.
Za sve kolekcionare, postoji OZ komplet za ne prevelike novce. Idealno za "pod bor". ;)
Augustus Hill
That's a fancy word for mercy.
You see, the Governor can commute a death sentence. He has the power to just pick up the phone and say no.
But to me, the only time the Governor shows clemency, is when he don't make that call.
'Cause life in prison without parole is a shitload worse than death.
Death is parole.
Death is the real mercy.
People are defined by three things.
Their heads - how they think.
Their hearts - what they feel.
Their dicks - who they fuck.
At the end of the day, each of us has to answer one question.
One, not so simple question.
Who am I?
Death is certain. Life is not.
The worst stab wound is the one to the heart.
Sure, most people survive it, but the heart is never quite the same.
There's always a scar, which I guess, is meant to remind you that even for a little while, someone made your heart beat faster.
And that's a scar you can live with, proudly.
All the days of your life.
So, what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom?
What makes us so different?
We're the only species who put our own kind in cages.
"Fuck" is a four-letter word.
"Rape" is a four-letter word.
"Wife" is a four-letter word.
So is "love".
"Fuck" is a curse.
So is "love".
And I don't just mean boys and girls.
I'm talking friends, I'm talking family.
When you take revenge on somebody, you are actually paying them the highest compliment possible.
It's like saying, "You've affected my life to such an extent that I must reciprocate.
I must affect your life as deeply as you have mine".
Revenge may be the ultimate Hallmark card.
When you think of it like that, the cliché is true. Revenge *is* sweet.
We come into the world expecting unconditional love from our parents.
And when we don't get it, we find someone, anyone, and marry them.
And then we spend the rest of our lives together beating the s**t out of each other
to prove we didn't deserve unconditional love in the first place.
And love?
Well, if sex is sweet and death is bitter, love is both.
Love will always and forever break your heart.
People say: "She broke my heart."
That's bullshit, man!
The heart can't break, it's a muscle.
Muscles tear, muscles cramp.
Yeah, the heart's a muscle.
So is the brain.
So is the dick.
People do terrible things to people.
That's why we got so many prisons in the world.
People rape other people.
They rob and beat and cheat other people.
But the worst crime of all is betrayal.
And there ain't no jail terms for that.
There is some pain that you don't share.
Some pain, like your fingerprints, is all yours.
Yours alone.
Hey, some say there are five stages of death.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance.
The moment when you say to yourself, "I'm gonna die and there ain't shit I can do about it."
Oh, yeah, in Oz we know all about that.
We know all about acceptance.
It's rare when you say goodbye to someone that you know it's the last time.
You can try to say whatever it is you should've said before or you can just hold on tight.
Just hold on, hoping the moment will last you a lifetime.
You wanna kill a man?
Stick a shank in his chest.
You wanna torture a man?
Feed his loneliness.
Fiend him from friendship, from peace, he will search everywhere.
And when he realizes he won't find it, he will destroy himself.
They say curiosity killed the cat.
What the fuck was the cat so curious about that got him killed?
Now, you're probably saying, boy meets girl, that's one boring fucking story.
It's always ending the same.
But there are variations on the theme like boy meets dog, boy loses dog, boy buys new dog.
Or girl meets psychiatrist, girl goes to therapy for the next ten years.
Or, in Oz, there's always boy meets boy.
They live their whole lives in thirty second intervals.
Every half minute their little brain forgets what the last half minute of their life was like.
In other words, when this little goldfish is happy, he thinks he's been happy his whole life since his whole life was only thirty seconds ago.
And when this little goldfish is hungry, he thinks he's been hungry his whole life.
And when he's dying, this little goldfish thinks he's been dying his whole life.
Imagine that.
Death being the only life this little goldfish will ever know.
'The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.'
Now there's a mind fuck if I ever heard one.
The good side of my will is the road to damnation.
Fuck, why even try being good? And if good intentions take you to the lake
of fire, where do bad intentions lead? Oz.