Manje je više - treniranje mozgom
Da li je 20 km bolje nego 10? 200 bolje nego 100? 30 ponavljanja bolje od 15? 32kg bolje od 28? 4:15 min/km u treningu bolje od 4:30? 15 sati treninga tjedno bolje od 10?
Gledam oko sebe poznanike, prijatelje, slučajne supatnike na treninzima kako se vode samo tom idejom: više je bolje. I grabe za bržim tempom, više kilometara, većim kilažama. Ego rula, mozak na minimumu.
Znam točno što im je u glavi jer sam i ja bio takav jednom davno: jak, mlad i glup. :)
Ako se ne uspiju ozlijediti u međuvremenu, možda neki od njih jednog dana shvate (kao što sam i ja shvatio) najveću mudrost:
Manje je više. Mozak je najjači "mišić" kojeg imate. Ako ga naučite koristiti, dobili ste sve. Ego je najveća kurva. Ako ga naučite držati na kratkoj lajni, život će vam biti puno ljepši. |
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Za one kojima njemački nije jača strana, google translate je izbacio slijedeće:
Movement quantity and quality of movement of karol4884 @ 2012-01-18 - 05:33:37 Most of us are committed to training progress. The motto "more is better" is measured to one of the most popular means of training progress. It goes something like: Can you make it to lift more weight than last time, so you're getting better. Or: Can you run a longer distance than last time, so you're getting better. Or better yet, you have to increase muscles so you are getting better. Of course everyone has his own goal. It is not objectionable because if someone wants to achieve improvements in optics. But here I want to make clear that this must not happen at the expense of health. Especially when we go in the power sector, I am always amazed at how few "top coach" to deal with the issue of optimal movement execution. More is better, faster is better, bigger is better, etc. I think that's generally a problem of modern Western civilization, but that's another topic :-) Fact: Faster is not better, bigger is not better, even more is not better. If this is not the case, then what is better. It may sound strange at first glance, but "better is better." With the first "BETTER" is meant the movement execution, should put to each of us in training special value. Our central nervous system is a marvel of biology. It does not know the difference between right and wrong - it knows only what you teach him. Example: A person makes 10 reps deep squats with 60kg load. Here, the first 5 repetitions are clean. From the sixth repetition, the person starts off easy to fake. The eighth, ninth and tenth repetition have been nothing more in common with squats. A variation of half squat and lateral flexion (flexion of the trunk muscles), the anatomical result of this movement execution. As noted, our central nervous system in this case? It does not know the difference between right and wrong. It knows habit. Out of habit, our central nervous system begins with the next training session this fatal and dangerous actions used to simulate. Now the person has a problem. Not only that movement execution is incorrect and defective, in the worst case, the weight is further increased because more is better known, yes. Someone makes a number of years such movement models and increase weight so it is no wonder that many athletes suffer from disorders of the musculoskeletal system. But it's not just the athletes. In the leisure sector, it is usually worse. Few take the expense of good teaching practice to ensure to be a safe workout. I know people who take the most expensive oil for their car, make every 10,000 - 15,000 km inspection and woe when the car makes even a bad noise. This person is certainly directly without going into the next workshop. Not all are like that, but I know a lot but it goes :-) about 300-500 € to invest in a good coach, so the money is usually too bad. Back to the subject. You can train his central nervous system so that it knows only optimal motion? Of course. It knows not the difference between right and wrong - it only knows habit. If our nervous habit knows only what we have to make the optimal motion models to learn? "Learning to walk again" weights down, down tempo, movement towards a clean design and some would say how. This is certainly not a motivation for most of us but it's the truth. It's not just about the "heavy basic exercises." Even and especially in the "Free Body Weight" and "Kettlebell Training" is a clean movement execution, the most important thing. But actually it does not matter where we go in the area. Whether it's football at world class level, the deadlift in the gym, the free weight training at home or running. EVERYTHING IS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IS HABIT. When changing the training I had big problems with my ego. I thought to myself "? What does that say What less weight less reps in a minute What is this supposed to be good?" Now I speak from experience. If you have reprogrammed the central nervous system. If you repeat any targeted attention under the best technology and respiration (the hot version of each movement is a breath) carries out, the weight will increase and more repetitions per minute on its own. A movement is a quality grind, you would not have thought possible. The body economizes the movement execution, so that is easier to run, which leads in turn to improved technology and more repetitions per minute. I repeat again at this point quite aware that it does not matter what sport you are doing. It does not matter whether you use more muscles. Whether you want to become stronger, want to be healthier or wants to improve his technique in martial arts and need. All these paths have a common. Our central nervous system. Thank you for the attention of sports fans Karol |
Majka priroda vam je podarila moćan organ - mozak. Vrijeme je da se naučite služiti s njim. ;)